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Mindfulmeschool takes the safeguarding of children very seriously and is committed to providing an environment that is safe.


In order to create a safe and private session the lesson will take place either in the blue garden room or a quiet room on the ground floor at Mms introduced to both parent and child on their first visit. This visit will also involve showing parents and children where the toilet facility on the ground floor is situated. At  NO point will either parents or children use any of the rooms or the facilities on the above floors (unless in an emergency).


The nature of a 1:1 class will involve the Mindfulmeschool founder/staff member no 1 and child being alone for the duration of the session.


To reduce the chances of misunderstandings and misinterpretations it is imperative that the Mms founder does not touch or hold the child (unless deemed appropriate and in the context of the lesson).


If a child discloses any information to the Mms founder during a class the following procedure will be followed:


  1. Mms will listen without asking leading questions or pressing for further details and will explain to the child  that it may be necessary to share this information with an adult who can help

  2. Mms will remain calm and offer help and reassurance and accept what the child says without challenge

  3. Mms will not make promises or keep secrets with the child 

  4. Mms will reserve the right to contact the correct City Council Social Services Department

  5. Mms will keep an accurate written record of the conversation


As stated in the terms and conditions (above) feedback will be provided to the parent at the end of each session where the parent (who booked the class) will receive a downlaod phone call from Mms. Mms will respect the wishes of the child where it is their desire to withhold information from the parent. Where a child's safety is considered at risk, Mms uphold the right to defer directly to social services.


As a qualified reflexologist I Jenny Havery will:

  1. Work within their Governments Guidelines

  2. Comply with Covid-19 Secure Hygiene Guidelines/Practices for therapists

  3. Changes that will be made include the following:

    • You will be asked to complete a risk assessment form before each treatment to ascertain if it is appropriate for you to have a treatment

    • Hand washing before and after treatments (or hand sanitiser with a minimum of 60% alcohol

    • JH will have clean, dedicated clothes/uniforms for treatments

    • Treatment spacing – allowing 15 minutes between clients to minimise contact with other clients

    • Cleaning – This 15 minutes also allows for couch/chair coverings to be changed and any surfaces that have been touched to be cleaned between each client

    • Depending on the latest government guidelines, your reflexologist JH is likely to be wearing a facial coveringand you may be asked to wear one too – even a scarf is fine (ideally double layer cotton)

    • Clean linen and towels – will be used for each client

    • Soft furnishings – will be removed if non-essential or completely covered e.g. foot pillows

    • A cleaning checklist will be on display to show when cleaning has taken place

    • Waste will be disposed of in line with Government Guidelines

    • Laundry in line with Government Guidelines

As a client you will be required to:

  1. Complete a risk assessment before each treatment. (Your therapist will contact you to complete this)

  2. On arrival declare if anything has changed with your health or within your family unit

  3. Wash your hands (or use hand sanitiser provided by the therapist) on arrival

  4. You may be asked to bring and wear your own face covering. Your therapist will let you know before your treatment if this is the case

  5. Bring your own bottle of water

  6. Bring your own blanket (if requested by the reflexologist)

  7. Inform your reflexologist if you develop symptoms of Covid-19

  8. Arrange contactless payment if possible

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