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My name is Jenny Havery and I am the founder of Mindfulmeschool. 

I used mindfulness to find my way out of a muddy mindset and I can help you do the same.


 I am a mindfulness coach working hard to help others "notice themselves" job is to be the "go to" contact for anyone looking for extra emotional support in their lives.


Whether it be, stress, grief, a broken relationship...I'm here to help.

I have worked with all age groups: young children, teens, students, front line workers and many stressed out parents!


Working online, I actively listen,  share my knowledge and tools and help people find their way.



 I haven't always known this stuff.....

My new role (I was previously a chartered surveyor!) began in 2016 after taking an an 8 week mindfulness course with York MBSR/Northern Centre for Mindfulness and Compassion.

I loved the themes and theories involved in being mindful and managed to successfully turn around a particularly challenging phase in my life.


It was truly life changing!


The course encouraged me to change old outdated and unproductive ways of thinking and  to develop my own meditation practice each day.


*In 2017 I decided to go on to train as a mindfulness teacher and completed the "Paws b" (7-11yrs) Professional training course with MiSP London (Mindfulness in Schools Project) and am now fully trained to offer this curriculum in a school setting. I am also able to offer the next stage of this curriculum .breathe a four-session programme aimed at the school ‘transition’ years of ages 9-14. It can be taught as part of a broader Personal, Health, Social and Economic Education (PSHE) curriculum or as part of a ‘transition-specific’ programme in Years 5-9.


I have also completed my Professional Training in the Applied use of Mindfulness for 12-18 year olds from the British Mindfulness Institute.


This course is an Accredited course in teaching mindfulness and meditation for children/teens and provides the advanced information and skills necessary to deliver bespoke meditations and mindful activities to young people of all ages and all walks of life.


As at March 2022 I completed the Professional coaching skills award by Reflective Mind/The Institute of Coaching Skills.... 

ready for the next step- ICF accreditation!

Over the course of a year I have completed 75 hrs of direct training and over 100 hrs of recorded and logged coaching to achieve this qualification and many hours of mentoring and assessment to ensure I am able to offer the gold standard of coaching to my clients required by the ICF.

I have also in 2022 completed my ICF (International Coaching Federation ) accreditation as an ACC Coach.


The training I have chosen to do enables me to focus on each individual client's personal understanding of Mindfulness and the development of their own personal Mindfulness practice.


 My adult clients tell me this work is vital for shifting the mental health landscape for future generations. I totally agree. Most of my work is centred around The Mindful Legacy.

(See my fb group for more on sharing info and discussing great tools with other like minded parents)



I now work with children adults and evolved business' on a weekly basis offering wellbeing support for an optimal work/school life balance. I provide a safe space to download and discuss the setbacks, to work through helpful tools and develop a plan that works using my BEYOU programme and other advanced practices for those looking to continue their learning.



What does Mindfulness do?


Essentially mindfulness involves being aware of how our bodies physically feel, of how we are interacting with the environment and what our thoughts are saying to us.


The problem:


Often our bodies are in one place and our minds are somewhere else! In our busy lives, our 'mind chatter' means we get lost in our thoughts and find it hard to stay focussed and fully present. The impact of this is this is that we operate on auto pilot (mindlessly going about our daily lives) and not plugged into ourselves.


Mindfulness mentoring and coaching with Mindfulmeschool can bring you back to yourself x



*You can find me on the MiSP website:, click "bring mindfulness to your school" and scroll down to locate a Paws b Teacher. 

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